My Robbery Experience

I angel had a robbery experience of recent, it was an experience that can’t be forgotten but tank God I wasn’t hurt. It happened that I had to walk down to the road to get a cab heading to the port so I can book for my trip for the following day.
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Caring for yourself so good.


We all have times in our lives when we just have
too much stuff going on. There are always
deadlines, exams, due dates and just too many
priorities to juggle. And when everything is going
wrong, the world is screaming for your attention
and you just don’t have time – the last thing you
need to hear is to “just take a day off”.
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Several ways to building up “REAL LOVE” and “SHOWING AFFECTION”


Let’s be honest.
Movies & TV aren’t the best place to get ideas
about how dating should start and progress.
If you want real love, you have to build a real
friendship. That means not just looking for
physical pleasure or emotional comfort.
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The life of the “HAVE” and “HAVE NOT”

F. Scott Fitzgerald observed that “The very rich are
different from you and me.” His friend Ernest
Hemingway quipped “Yes, they have more
money” (Hemingway 1936). Hemingway envied
the rich and coveted their money, but Fitzgerald
knew wealth was not an unmixed blessing.
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A true life story “A Father’s crime”


Wale Akinusi
A 49- year-old man has been arrested by the
Human Right department of Ilemba Hausa Police
Division, in Ojo area of Lagos has arrested for
allegedly having carnal knowledge of his teenaged
daughter for five years.
It was discovered during investigation that his
daughter Janet(not real name)got pregnant in the
process twice, only for her father to allegedly
abort the pregnancy with the aid of a herbalist.
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The source of life is “WATER”


Water moves in a never-ending cycle on our
planet.  It is recycled over and over, never leaving
our earth.  Water is solid, liquid, and a gas.
There is water in our oceans, in our glaciers, in
rivers and lakes, underground, in the air, in the
food we eat, and in our bodies.
    All human beings need to recognize that water
covers three-fourths of our planet’s surface.
Ninety-seven percent (97%) of our planet’s water
is salty.  Two percent (2%) of it is frozen, leaving
only one percent (1%) of the earth’s water fresh
for our daily water supply needs.
    All of us need to understand how important it
is that we take care of the fresh water.  How is
water used in our communities?  How much
water is used when bathing, brushing our teeth,
flushing the toilet, or washing our hands and
face?  Where does the community’s water come
from?  How do people get their water?  How are
we all taking care of our water supply?  Is there
water in outer space, too?

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